young adult book reviews & more

When It Happens by Susane Colasanti

When It HappensIt’s both Sarah and Tobey’s senior year of high school. Sara’s got everything planned out: she’s going to attend NYU after she graduates. And she’s all set to go with her stellar grades. Tobey on the other hand doesn’t plan on attending college. He figures he’ll win Battle of the Bands and move onto greater things than school. But there is one thing he’s sure on: making Sara fall in love with him.

When It Happens was a cute and funny story that I thoroughly enjoyed. Sara and Tobey have the perfect kind of romance that everyone wishes they had. Susane Colasanti understands teen emotions well, especially those of the smart girl and the music junkie. The plot flowed smoothly, and I really liked the alternate narration between Sara and Tobey. If this novel had one flaw, it would be that the story was too perfect, which made it unrealistic. I know I was wondering if everything in this story continued to be this perfect when they started college.

If you’re looking for a light, fun, and enjoyable story, When It Happens is the novel for you. I’m definitely going to check out Susane Colasanti’s next novel, Take Me There.

Rating: 4.75

Review copy from personal collection

6 munch(es) :

Keri Mikulski said...

Sounds adorable. Thanks for the review! :)

Melissa Walker said...

Susane is so cool. I enjoyed this one, and I really need to read TAKE ME THERE.

paperxxflowers said...

This book sounds soo good!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. This book was so cute. I read it in like a day. Definately read it!

Book Sp(l)ot said...

Amazon keeps put this on me recommendations...so thank you for the review--except now it sounds like I'm maybe going to have to figure out buying yet another book ;)

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed this story its really good, and i think everyone should read it. im reading take me there, and it sad at first but then it gets better form there

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