young adult book reviews & more

Courage in Patience by Beth Felhbaum

Courage in Patience: A Story of Hope for Those Who Have Endured AbuseSince she was only nine years old, Ashley Asher has been sexually abused by her stepfather Charlie. Not knowing what to do about it and ashamed she’s somehow responsible, Ash keeps this a secret until she can finally no longer keep it in, six years later. However, when Ash finally confronts her mom with the details of how her husband hurt her, her mother denies it, not willing to believe the man she loves could do such a horrible thing. The only people who offer any type of support are her best friend Lisa and her caring teacher Mrs. Chapman, who, as an adult working for the school, is legally obligated to report Ash’s case to Child Protective Services. This is how Ash comes to live with her biological father David, a man she has had no contact with since she was three months old. Courage in Patience is a powerful and moving story about how one girl fought an internal struggle to overcome the emotional scars of abuse.

Courage in Patience is one of the best debut novels I have ever read. Ashley’s story is such a sad and touching one. I was immediately sucked into Ash’s story, about how she was abused by her stepfather and how that affected everything else in her life, especially her ability to trust. I became very attached to Ash, because she was such a real person; it made me feel so sad when she felt the effects of her abuse. I used quite a bit of tissues while reading this book, because it is just such a horrible thing that parents could betray their children in the way that Ash’s mother and stepfather betrayed her. Yet, at the same time, there was David and his wife Beverly who were there to support Ash the whole way, which gave hope to Ash’s character and the reader. But Ashley’s story isn’t the only one there is in this book. Through the summer school English class Bev teaches, Ash is able to interact with other teens that also happen to have problems, bringing up issues such as prejudice against race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. Sometimes it was a little distracting to have all those other small stories woven into Ash’s journey, but in the end, it all came down to this: no matter who you are or what situation you are in, there is always hope and someone who can help you. The only part of this story that I felt was slightly out of place was Bev’s secret from Ash about her past, because it was just so surprising; however, at the same time, it works perfectly to help Ash heal.

Ash’s story is an unforgettable one, and a story that should be read by everyone. It’s one of pain, hope, and the beauty of healing. Fehlbaum’s writing is authentic and raw and confronts important issues that aren’t addressed in most other novels. Courage in Patience appeals to teens as well as adults and is a story that can give everyone hope.

Rating: 4.5

Review copy from author Beth Fehlbaum

4 munch(es) :

Beth Fehlbaum, Author said...

Thank you so much!

Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
Chapter 1 is online!

Sherry said...

Hi and congratulations! I'm busy visiting all of the nominees for the Book BLogger Appreciation Awards and trying to live up to my nomination by inviting everyone to participate in the Saturday Review of Books tomorrow and every Saturday at Semicolon. It's just a place I provide each week where book bloggers can leave a link to their book reviews for the week, and we can all find book reviews from other book bloggers.

You are cordially invited to participate. And good luck in the awards. I read a couple of your reviews, this one, and the one for Unwind. I liked Unwind very much, too, and this one souls like something I may want to check out.

Kelsey said...

Another review for this book and another time I move it up on my wish list. You are SO lucky you got to read this book. I CANNOT wait to read it.

Steph said...

Good review, Rach. Just received this one in the mail so I've been researching reviews for it - this is typically how I decide where to place it in my review pile order :) So far, so good!


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