young adult book reviews & more

Picture Perfect by Catherine Clark

Picture PerfectFor as long as Emily Matthias can remember, her family has been vacationing every few years with "the guys," Mr. Matthias' best friends from his college days. These reunions are always good times for Emily to meet up with the other offspring of "the guys" and her good friends Heather, Adam, and Spencer – especially Spencer.

Though Emily is comfortable around the long-time family friends she often vacations with, she isn't a very outgoing person. She feels shy and awkward around guys which might explain why she's never had a boyfriend. She's also still stinging a little from Spencer's rejection on their last vacation. So, Emily mostly stays inside her shell and takes pictures of hotties instead of interacting with them.

Read the rest of my review at Young Adult Enchanting Reviews.

Rating: 4.25

Review copy from publisher HarperCollins through YA Enchanting Reviews

1 munch(es) :

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved this book :-) She a great author <3

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