young adult book reviews & more

Archives by Author

Reviews here are organized alphabetically by author. Book titles are listed in parentheses next to each author and the titles link to each book’s respective review.



Abbott, Hailey (Girls in Love • Summer Girls)
Abrahams, Peter (Up All Night)
Adams, Kylie (Bling Addiction)
Adina, Shelley (Fruit of My Lipstick, the It's All About Us)
Adlington, L.J. (Cherry Heaven)
Adornetto, Alexandra (Halo)
Agell, Charlotte (Shift)
Alexander, E.M. (Death at Deacon Pond)
Alexander, Jill S. (Paradise)
Alexie, Sherman (Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, the)
Altebrando, Tara (Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life, the)
Angelini, Josephine (Starcrossed)
Arbuthnott, Gill (Keepers' Tattoo, the)
Armstrong, Kelley (Summoning, the)
Arthur, Artist (Manifest)
Asher, Jay (Thirteen Reasons Why)
Ashton, Brodi (Everneath)
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia (Persistence of Memory)
Auseon, Andrew (Jo-Jo and the Fiendish Lot)
Avasthi, Swati (Split)
Ayarbe, Heidi (Freeze Frame)


Bachorz, Pam (Candor)
Baer, Marianna (Frost)
Banash, Jennifer (Elite, theIn Too DeepSimply Irresistible)
Banks, Piper (Revenge of the Geek • Summer of the Geek)
Baratz-Logsted, Lauren (Education of Bet, the)
Bardugo, Leigh (Shadow and Bone)
Barkley, Brad (Jars of Glass)
Barnes, Jennifer Lynn (Raised by Wolves • Squad, the)
Barnholdt, Lauren (Two-Way Street)
Baskin, Nora Raleigh (Summer Before Boys, the)
Bass, Ron (Lucid)
Bauer, Michael Gerard (Running Man, the)
Beaudoin, Sean (Fade to Blue • You Killed Wesley Payne)
Becker, Tom (Darkside  Lifeblood)
Bell, Taryn (Eye CandyFace Value)
Bendinger, Jessica (Seven Rays, the)
Benway, Robin (Audrey, Wait!  Extraordinary Secrets of April, May & June, the)
Berry, Julie (Amaranth Enchantment, the)
Black, Holly (Red Glove • Tithe  White Cat)
Blake, Kendare (Anna Dressed in Blood • Girl of Nightmares)
Blundell, Judy (Sight, the • What I Saw and How I Lied)
Borris, Albert (Crash Into Me)
Bosworth, Jennifer (Struck)
Bow, Erin (Plain Kate)
Bowers, Laura (Beauty Shop for Rent)
Bracken, Alexandra (Brightly Woven • Darkest Minds, the)
Bradbury, Jennifer (Wrapped)
Brashares, Ann (3 Willows)
Bray, Libba (Up All Night)
Brewer, Heather (Eighth Grade Bites)
Brian, Kate (Last ChristmasPrivatePrivilege)
Brody, Jessica (52 Reasons to Hate My Father  Karma Club, the • My Life Undecided)
Brothers, Marilee (Moon RiseMoonstone)
Brothers, Meagan (Supergirl Mixtapes)
Brown, Hobson (Miss Educated)
Brown, Jennifer (Celebrity Secrets)
Brown, Teri (Read My Lips)
Bullen, Alexandra (Wish • Wishful Thinking)
Bunce, Elizabeth C. (StarCrossed)
Burgess, Melvin (Sara's Face)


Cabot, Meg (AirheadBeing NikkiJinx • Runaway)
Caine, Rachel (Carpe Corpus • Dead Girls' Dance, the • Fade Out • Feast of Fools • Ghost Town • Glass Houses • Kiss of Death • Lord of Misrule  Midnight Alley)
Caletti, Deb (Secret Life of Prince Charming, the • Stay)
Cameron, Sharon (Dark Unwinding, the)
Campbell, Chelsea M. (Rise of Renegade X, the)
Cann, Kate (Possessed)
Cannon, A.E. (Loser's Guide to Life and Love, the)
Carter, Ally (Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy • Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover •  Heist SocietyOnly the Good Spy Young • Out of Sight, Out of TimeUncommon Criminals)
Cashore, Kristin (Fire)
Cassidy, Kay (Cinderella Society, the)
Cast, Kristin (Marked)
Cast, P.C. (Elphame's Choice • Marked)
Castellucci, Cecil (First Day on Earth • Rose Sees Red)
Castle, Jennifer (Beginning of After, the)
Chandler, Elizabeth (Evercrossed • Dark Secrets 1 • Dark Secrets 2 • Dark Secrets 3 • Kissed by an Angel)
Cheva, Cherry (She's So Money)
Childs, Tera Lynn (Oh. My. Gods.)
Christopher, Lucy (Stolen)
Cirrone, Dorian (Prom Kings and Drama Queens)
Clare, Cassandra (City of AshesCity of BonesCity of Glass)
Clark, Catherine (Alison Rules, thePicture PerfectTruth or Dairy)
Clark, Terri (Sleepless)
Cohen, Tish (Little Black Lies)
Cohn, Rachel (Dash & Lily's Book of Dares • Naomi and Ely's No Kiss ListNick & Norah's Infinite Playlist You Know Where to Find Me)
Colasanti, Susane (Take Me ThereWhen It Happens)
Collins, Suzanne (Catching FireHunger Games, the)
Coriell, Shelley (Welcome, Caller, This Is Chloe)
Cornish, D.M. (FoundlingLamplighter)
Coventry, Susan (Queen's Daughter, the)
Craze, Galaxy (Last Princess, the)
Cremer, Andrea (Nightshade)
Crewe, Megan (Way We Fall, the)
Cross, Kady (Girl in the Clockwork Collar, the  Girl in the Steel Corset, the)
Crouch, Katie (Magnolia League, the)
Crowley, Suzanne (Very Ordered Existence of Merilee Marvelous, the)
Cummins, Jeanine (Outside Boy, the)


Dalton, Michelle (Sixteenth Summer)
Damico, Gina (Croak • Scorch)
Dashner, James (Maze Runner, the)
Davies, Jocelyn (Beautiful Dark, a)
Davis, Katie (Curse of Addy McMahon, the)
de la Cruz, Melissa (RevelationsVan Alen Legacy, the)
Dean, Zoey (Hollywood Royalty)
Delany, Shannon (13 to Life)
Dent, Grace (Diva without a CausePosh and Prejudice)
Derting, Kimberly (Pledge, the)
Despain, Bree (Dark Divine, the • Lost Saint, the)
Desrochers, Lisa (Original Sin • Personal Demons)
Dessen, Sarah (Lock and KeyThis Lullaby)
Destefano, Lauren (Wither)
Devlin, Ivy (Low Red Moon)
Diamand, Emily (Raider's Ransom)
Donnelly, Jennifer (Northern Light, a)
Doyle, Marissa (Betraying Season • Bewitching Season)
Durst, Sarah Beth (Enchanted Ivy  IceInto the WildOut of the Wild)


Eagland, Jane (Wildthorn)
Echols, Jennifer (Boys Next Door, theEx Games, the)
Elkeles, Simone (Leaving ParadisePerfect Chemistry)
Ellis, Ann Dee (Everything is Fine)
Eulberg, Elizabeth (Lonely Hearts Club, the • Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality • Take a Bow)


Fallon, Leigh (Carrier of the Mark, the)
Fantaskey, Beth (Jekel Loves Hyde)
Fehlbaum, Beth (Courage in Patience)
Felts, Susannah (This Will Go Down on Your Permanent Record)
Ferraro, Tina (ABC's of Kissing Boys, theHow to Hook a Hottie)
Fitzpatrick, Becca (Crescendo • Hush, Hush)
Fletcher, Christine (Ten Cents a Dance)
Flinn, Alex (Beastly)
Ford, Michael Thomas (Suicide Notes)
Forman, Gayle (Just One Day)
Fox, Janet (Sirens)
Frankel, Valerie (Fringe Benefits)
Frazier, Angie (Everlasting)
Freitas, Donna (Possibilities of Sainthood, the • Survival Kit, the • This Gorgeous Game)
Friedman, Aimee (French Kiss  Hollywood Hills  Sea Change  South Beach Year My Sister Got Lucky, the)
Friend, Natasha (Bounce • For Keeps  My Life in Black and White)


Gagnon, Michelle (Don't Turn Around)
Garcia, Kami (Beautiful Creatures)
Gerhman, Jody (Confessions of a Triple Shot BettyNotes from the BackseatTriple Shot Bettys in Love)
Gerber, Linda (Death by BikiniDeath by DenimDeath by Latte)
Gibson, Jayel (DamselfliesDragon QueenQuondamWreckening, the)
Gibson, Tanya Egan (How to Buy a Love of Reading)
Gier, Kerstin (Ruby Red • Sapphire Blue)
Godbersen, Anna (Bright Young Things • Luxe, the)
Goeglein, T.M. (Cold Fury)
Going, K.L. (King of the Screwups)
Grab, Daphne (Alive and Well in Prague, New York)
Grant, Michael (Gone)
Grant, Sara (Dark Parties)
Gray, Claudia (Evernight • Fateful)
Green, John (Looking for AlaskaPaper Towns)
Greenland, Shannon (Model Spy)
Guo, Xiaolu (Twenty Fragments of a Ravenous Youth)


Haddix, Margaret Peterson (Claim to Fame)
Haines, Kathryn Miller (Girl Is Murder, the  Girl Is Trouble, the)
Hall, Megan Kelley (Lost Sister, theSisters of Misery)
Hallaway, Tate (Almost to Die For)
Halpern, Julie (Don't Stop Now • Get Well SoonHave a Nice Day • Into the Wild Nerd Yonder)
Han, Jenny (Summer I Turned Pretty, the)
Hand, Cynthia (Unearthly)
Hanley, Victoria (Violet Wings)
Hapka, Catherine (Love on CueSomething BorrowedTwelve Dates of Christmas, the)
Harmon, Kate (Zeta or Omega?)
Harrington, Hannah (Saving June)
Harrington, Kim (Clarity • Perception)
Harris, Lewis (Taste for Red, a)
Hautman, Pete (How to Steal a Car)
Hawkins, Rachel (Hex Hall)
Hawthorne, Rachel (Labor of Love)
Hayes, Gwen (Dreaming Awake • Falling Under)
Headley, Justina Chen (North of Beautiful)
Healey, Karen (Guardian of the Dead • Shattering, the)
Hearn, Julie (Ivy)
Heath, Jack (Lab, theRemote Control)
Hellisen, Cat (When the Sea Is Rising Red)
Heltzel, Anne (Circle Nine)
Hepler, Heather (Jars of Glass • Love? Maybe.)
Henry, April (Night She Disappeared, the)
Hieber, Leanna Renee (Darker Still)
Hijuelos, Oscar (Dark Dude)
Hodkin, Michelle (Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, the)
Holder, Nancy (Witch & Curse)
Holt, Simon (Devouring, the)
Honeyman, Kay (Fire Horse Girl, the)
Hooper, Mary (Newes from the Dead)
Hoover, P.J. (Emerald Tablet, theNavel of the World, the)
Hopcus, Anastasia (Shadow Hills)
Hopkins, Ellen (Identical)
Horowitz, Anthony (Snakehead)
Howard, J.J. (That Time I Joined the Circus)
Howell, Simmone (Everything Beautiful)
Hubbard, Jennifer R. (Secret Year, the)
Hubbard, Kirsten (Wanderlove)
Hubbard, Susan (Season of Risks, the  Society of S, the  Year of Disappearances, the)
Hyde, Catheine Ryan (Chasing WindmillsDay I Killed James, the)


Ibbotson, Eva (Countess Below Stairs, a)


Jabaley, Jennifer (Lipstick Apology)
Jarzab, Anna (All Unquiet Things)
Jay, Stacey (You Are So Undead to Me)
Jenkins, A.M. (Night RoadRepossessed)
Jocelyn, Marthe (Folly)
Johnson, Maureen (13 Little Blue Envelopes •  Last Little Blue Envelope, the • Madness Underneath, the • Name of the Star, the • Scarlett Fever • Suite Scarlett)
Jones, Carrie (Need)
Jones, Frewin (Faerie Path, the)
Jones, Jenny B. (I'm So SureSo Not Happening  So Over My Head)
Joseph, Danielle (Shrinking Violet)


Kandel, Charlotte (Enchanted Riddle, the)
Kantor, Melissa (Darlings Are Forever, the   Darlings in Love, the  If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince?)
Kate, Lauren (Fallen)
Kaye, Marilyn (Demon Chick)
Kelly, Tara (Amplified  Harmonic Feedback)
Kelsey, Marybeth (Tracking Daddy Down)
Kemp, Kristen (Breakfast at Bloomingdale's)
Keplinger, Kody (Midsummer's Nightmare, a)
Kerbel, Deborah (Girl on the Other SideMackenzie, Lost and Found)
King, A.S. (Dust of 100 Dogs, the   Everybody Sees the Ants  Please Ignore Vera Dietz)
Klavan, Andrew (Last Thing I Remember, the)
Kogler, Jennifer Anne (Otherworldies, the)
Koss, Amy Goldman (Poison Ivy)
Kraus, Nicola (Over You)
Kraut, Julie (Slept Away)
Krohn, Kevin (Severed Ties)
Krokos, Dan (False Memory)
Kuehnert, Stephanie (Ballads of SuburbiaI Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone)


LaCour, Nina (Hold Still)
Larbalestier, Justine (How to Ditch Your FiaryLiar)
Lasky, Kathryn (Hannah)
Laurens, Jennifer (Nailed)
Le Ny, Jeanine (Dream)
Ledwidge, Michael (Dangerous Days of Daniel X, the)
Leicht, Martin (Mothership)
Levithan, David (Dash & Lily's Book of Dares • Naomi and Ely's No Kiss ListNick & Norah's Infinite PlaylistUp All Night)
Litchman, Wendy (Writing on the Wall, the)
Littman, Sarah Darer (Life, After • Purge)
Lo, Malinda (Adaptation)
Lockhart, E. (Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, the Fly on the WallHow to Be Bad)
Lore, Pittacus (I Am Number Four)
Lyga, Barry (Boy Toy)
Lyles, Whitney (Party Games)
Lynch, Chris (Big Game of Everything, the)


MacCullough, Carolyn (Always a Witch • Once a Witch)
MacLeod, J.E. (Waiting to Score)
Madison, Bennett (Blonde of the Joke, the)
Maizel, Rebecca (Infinite Days)
Malkin, Nina (Swear • Swoon)
Marchetta, Melina (Jellicoe Road)
Marillier, Juliet (Heart's Blood)
Marr, Melissa (Ink Exchange Wicked Lovely)
Marrone, Amanda (Revealers)
Martin, C.K. Kelly (One Lonely Degree)
Materne, Taylor (Miss Educated)
Mazer, Norma Fox (Missing Girl, the)
McAulay, Alex (Shelter Me)
McBride, Lish (Hold Me Closer, Necromancer)
McCafferty, Megan (Sloppy Firsts)
McCormick, Patricia (Cut  Up All Night)
McEntire, Myra (Hourglass)
McGann, Oisín (Daylight Runner)
McKissacks (Clone Codes, the)
McLaughlin, Emma (Over You)
McMann, Lisa (FadeWake)
McNamara, Amy (Lovely, Dark and Deep)
McPhee, Phoebe (Alphabetical Hookup List, A-J, the)
McVoy, Terra Elan (Pure)
Meaney, Flynn (Bloodthirsty)
Mechling, Lauren (Dream Girl)
Mellom, Robin (Ditched)
Meyer, Marissa (Cinder)
Meyer, Stephenie (Host, the)
Michael, Ted (Crash Test Love • Diamonds, the)
Mikulski, Keri (Screwball)
Millar, Martin (Curse of the Wolf Girl • Lonely Werewolf Girl)
Miller, Kirsten (All You Desire • Eternal Ones, the)
Mitchard, Jacquelyn (Midnight Twins, the)
Mitchell, Saundra (Shadowed Summer)
Mlynowski, Sarah (How to Be Bad • Ten Things We Did (And Probably Shouldn't Have))
Monaghan, Annabel (Girl Named Digit, a)
Moore, Carley (Stalker Chronicles, the)
Moore, Christopher (Bite Me)
Moriarty, Jaclyn (Corner of White, a • Ghosts of Ashbury High, the  Spell Book of Listen Taylor, the  Year of Secret Assignments, the)
Morris, Paula (Dark Souls • Ruined: A Ghost Story)
Morris, Taylor (Class FavoriteTotal Knockout: Tale of an Ex-Class President)
Moskowitz, Hannah (Break • Invincible Summer)
Moss, Jenny (Shadow)
Moulton, Courtney Allison (Angelfire)
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert (Princess Ben)
Myers, Walter Dean (Riot)
Myracle, Lauren (How to Be Bad)


Nappi, Frank (Legend of Mickey Tussler, the)
Neal, Isla (Mothership)
Neches, Karen (Earthly Pleasures)
Neill, Chloe (Charmfall  Firespell  Hexbound)
Nelson, Blake (Destroy All Cars)
Nelson, Jandy (Sky Is Everywhere, the)
Nelson, N.A. (Bringing the Boy Home)
Nelson, R.A. (Days of Little Texas)
Nicholson, William (Rich and Mad)
Nix, Garth (Abhorsen Chronicles, theMister Monday)
Noël, Alyson (Cruel SummerEvermoreFaking 19 • Fated • Saving Zoë)
Norris, Christine (Crown of Zeus, the)
Northrop, Michael (Gentlemen)
Nyikos, Stacey (Dragon Wishes)


Oates, Joyce Carol (After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away)
O'Brien, Caragh M. (Birthmarked •  Prized)
Ockler, Sarah (Twenty Boy Summer)
Olin, Sean (Brother/Sister)
Oliver, Lauren (Before I Fall • Delirium)
O'Roark Dowell, Frances (Ten Miles Past Normal)


Palatini, Margie (Geek Chic)
Parker, Jade (To Catch a Pirate)
Parra, Kelly (Invisible Touch)
Patneaude, David (Epitaph Road)
Patrick, Cat (Forgotten)
Patterson, James (Dangerous Days of Daniel X, theFinal Warning, theMax)
Patterson, Janci (Chasing the Skip)
Paul, Fiona (Venom)
Pauley, Kimberly (Cat Girl's Day Off • Sucks to Be Me)
Pearce, Jackson (Sisters Red)
Pearson, Mary E. (Adoration of Jenna Fox, theMiles Between, the)
Peck, Dale (Sprout)
Peloquin, Lili (Innocents, the)
Perez, Marlene (Comeback, theDead is the New Black)
Perkins, Stephanie (Anna and the French Kiss •  Lola and the Boy Next Door)
Peterfreund, Diana (Secret Society Girl)
Petrucha, Stefan (Rule of Won, the)
Pfeffer, Susan Beth (Life As We Knew It)
Pike, Aprilynne (Wings)
Preble, Laura (Queen Geek Social Club, the)
Prose, Francine (Goldengrove)
Purnhagen, Mara (Tagged)
Purtill, C. Leigh (All About Vee Love, Meg)



Rallison, Janette (Just One Wish • My Double Life)
Ray, Michelle (Falling for Hamlet)
Rayburn, Tricia (Siren)
Rech, Lindsay Faith (It Started with a Dare)
Redwine, C.J. (Defiance)
Rees, Celia (Sovay)
Rees, Douglas (Juliet Spell, the)
Reeves, Dia (Bleeding Violet)
Revis, Beth (Across the Universe)
Rossi, Veronica (Under the Never Sky)
Rothenberg, Jess (Catastrophic History of You and Me, the)
Ruby, Laura (Play Me)
Runley, Crickett (Never Sit Down in a Hoopskirt and Other Things I Learned in Southern Belle Hell)
Rush, Jennifer (Altered)
Rutkoski, Marie (Shadow Society, the)
Ryan, Amy Kathleen (Vibes)
Ryan, Carrie (Forest of Hands and Teeth, the)


Sales, Leila (Past Perfect)
Salter, Sydney (My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters • Swoon at Your Own Risk)
Sandell, Lisa Ann (Map of the Known World, a)
Sandler, Karen (Tankborn)
Says, Caroline (Miss Educated)
Schabas, Martha (Various Positions)
Schaefer, Laura (Teashop Girls, the)
Schrefer, Eliot (School for Dangerous Girls, the)
Schreiber, Ellen (Once in a Full Moon)
Schreiber, Joe (Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick)
Schroeder, Lisa (Chasing Brooklyn • Far From You)
Schwab, Victoria (Near Witch, the)
Scott, Elizabeth (BloomGrace • Living Dead GirlLove You Hate You Miss YouSomething, MaybeStealing Heaven • Unwritten Rule, the)
Scott, Kieran (He's So Not Worth It • She's So Dead to Us)
Scott, Michael (Sorceress, the)
Scott, Regina (La Petite Four)
Sepetys, Ruta (Out of the Easy)
Shanahan, Lisa (Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It, the)
Shaw, Susan (Tunnel Vision)
Sheinmel, Alyssa (Beautiful Between, the)
Shepard, Sara (Lying Game, the)
Sher, Abby (Kissing Snowflakes)
Showalter, Gena (Intertwined)
Shusterman, Neal (Everfound • EverlostEverwildUnwind)
Silag, Lucy (Beautiful Americans)
Simner, Janni Lee (Thief Eyes)
Slayton, Fran Cannon (When the Whistle Blows)
Smith, Alexander Gordon (Death Sentence • Lockdown • Solitary)
Smith, Andrew (Marbury Lens, the • Passenger)
Smith, Jennifer E. (Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, the • You Are Here)
Smith, L.J. (Dark Visions)
Smith, Tara Bray (Betwixt)
Smith-Ready, Jeri (Shade •  Shift)
Snadowsky, Daria (Anatomy of a Boyfriend)
Snow, Carol (Switch)
Snyder, Maria V. (Inside Out  Magic Study Poison Study • Sea Glass • Storm Glass)
Spotswood, Jessica (Born Wicked)
Springer, Kristina (Espressologist, the)
Standiford, Natalie (How to Say Goodbye in Robot)
Stead, Rebecca (When You Reach Me)
Stiefvater, Maggie (Linger • Raven Boys, the • Shiver)
Stohl, Margaret (Beautiful Creatures)
Stolarz, Laurie Faria (Blue is for NightmaresDeadly Little Secret)
Stoltz, Adrienne (Lucid)
Stone, Mary Hanlon (Invisible Girl)
Strasser, Todd (Wish You Were Dead)
Strieber, Whitley (Melody Burning)
Strohm, Stephanie Kate (Pilgrims Don't Wear Pink)
Sturman, Jennifer (And Then Everything Unraveled  And Then I Found Out the Truth)
Suma, Nova Ren (Imaginary Girls)
Summers, Courtney (Cracked Up to Be)


Taylor, Laini (Daughter of Smoke and Bone)
Tigelaar, Liz (Playing with the Boys)
Toliver, Wendy (Miss MatchSecret Life of a Teenage Siren, the)
Tooley, S.D. (Skull, the)
Tracy, Kristen (Crimes of the Sarahs)
Trent, Tiffany (In the Serpent's Coils)
Triana, Gaby (Temptress Four, the)
Trott, Roger L. (Getting in Tune)
Turetsky, Bianca (Time-Traveling Fashionista, the)
Tuttle, Cameron (Paisley Hanover Kisses and Tells)



Vail, Rachel (GorgeousLucky)
van Diepen, Allison (Oracle of Dating, the  Oracle Rebounds, the)
Van Etten, David (Likely Story)
Vaught, Susan (Going Underground)
Vega, Denise (Fact of Life #31)
Vega, Estevan (Arson)
Verday, Jessica (Hollow, the)
Viguié, Debbie (Witch & Curse)
Vincent, Rachel (My Soul to Save  My Soul to TakeStray)
Violi, Jen (Putting Makeup on Dead People)
Vivian, Siobhan (Little Friendly Advice, a • Not That Kind of Girl • Same Difference)
Voorhees, Coert (Brothers Torres, the)
Vrettos, Adrienne Maria (Sight)


Walden, Mark (Dreadnought)
Walker, Melissa (Small Town Sinners • Unbreak My Heart • Violet by DesignViolet in PrivateViolet on the Runway)
Wallach, Diana Rodriguez (Amigas and School ScandalsAmor and Summer Secrets)
Ward, Rachel (Chaos, the • Numbers)
Warwick, J.M. (Open Vein, an)
Wasserman, Robin (Book of Blood and Shadow, the • CrashedSkinned)
Waters, Daniel (Generation DeadKiss of Life)
Weeks, Sarah (Up All Night)
Weingarten, Lynn (Wherever Nina Lies)
Westerfeld, Scott (Leviathan)
Weyn, Suzanne (Distant Waves: A Novel of the TitanicReincarnation)
Wiess, Laura (How It Ends)
Whitaker, Alecia (Queen of Kentucky, the)
Whitcomb, Laura (Fetch, the)
Wilks, Mike (Mirrorscape)
Williams, Carol Lynch (Chosen One, the)
Williams, Kathryn (Debutante, theLost Summer, the • Pizza, Love, and Other Stuff That Made Me Famous)
Williams, Katie (Space Between Trees, the)
Wizner, Jake (Castration Celebration)
Wood, Jamie Martinez (Rogelia's House of Magic)
Wood, Maryrose (How I Found the Perfect Dress   Nightshade • Poison Diaries, the  What I Wore to Save the World Why I Let My Hair Grow Out)
Wooding, Chris (Poison)
Wunder, Wendy (Probability of Miracles, the)



Yang, Gene (Up All Night)
Yee, Lisa (Absolutely Maybe)
Young, Alexa (Faketastic Frenemies)


Zarr, Sara (Once Was LostSweethearts)
Ziegler, Jennifer (How Not to Be Popular)
Zevin, Gabrielle (All These Things I've Done  Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac)
Zink, Michelle (Prophecy of the Sisters)