young adult book reviews & more

Labor of Love by Rachel Hawthorne

Labor of LoveDawn Delaney has a broken heart. It was broken six months ago when she discovered her boyfriend Drew cheating on her at junior prom. Because of Drew, Dawn has completely lost faith in guys. She doesn't trust them anymore, except to break her heart.

Because of this, Dawn has sworn off all guys for the summer. Instead, she and her two best friends Amber and Jenna are going to New Orleans to help rebuild houses. The first thing they do when they arrive in Louisiana is visit a psychic who tells them that Dawn will meet a guy with a red hat and a nice smile, among other cryptic messages. Dawn dismisses this as rubbish – until she finds out this guy is real. Not only is he real, but he's also very interested in Dawn. But Dawn's afraid to get her heart broken again. Is this new cute guy the one to mend it?

Read the rest of my review at Young Adult Enchanting Reviews.

Rating: 3.75

Review copy from publisher HarperCollins through YA Enchanting Reviews

1 munch(es) :

H said...

Sounds like a story right up my alley. Thanks for putting it on my radar, I hadn't even heard of this book before. How long has it been out?

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