young adult book reviews & more

Miss Match by Wendy Toliver

Miss Match (Simon Romantic Comedies)Sasha Finnegan is just your ordinary teen girl with a knack for matchmaking. She’s been setting up couples for as long as she can remember because seeing others in love makes her happy. Now sixteen, she’s put her Cupid-like talents to work through an online business where she goes by the pseudonym Miss Match.

Derek Urban is the new guy in school, not to mention a total hottie. With Homecoming approaching, there’s a certain cheerleader who’s caught his eye. But Derek doesn’t know how to get close to her, so he goes to Miss Match for help.

Sasha is more than willing to offer her services, because she’s saving up to buy a car, but it makes her uncomfortable that her work is now so close to home, literally. Derek has his sights set on Sasha’s more beautiful and popular older sister Maddie to be his Homecoming date. This’ll be possibly the hardest match Sasha’s ever made, not because Maddie isn’t interested—but because Sasha might be falling for Derek herself.

Read the rest of my review at Young Adult Enchanting Reviews.

Rating: 4.0

Review copy from publisher Simon & Schuster through YA Enchanting Reviews

1 munch(es) :

Thao said...

This one sounds like a cute read. I want to get my hands on it.

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