young adult book reviews & more

Interview with Rachel Hawthorne

Rachel Hawthorne is the author of numerous YA romance novels including (but not limited to) Caribbean Cruising, Snowed In, Love on the Lifts, as well as her most recent release, Labor of Love. Plus, she writes even more romantic books for teens under the pseudonym Jade Parker (To Catch a Pirate). You can visit her online at her website: http://www.rachelhawthorne.net/

Here's a preview of the interview:

What do you like best about being a writer?
I have an amazing boss. She lets me sleep late, keep my own hours, and take breaks as often as I'd like.

What do you like the least about being a writer?
Sometimes the characters don't cooperate and the story doesn't flow as well or as easily as I'd like.

See the rest of my interview at YA Enchanting Reviews.

2 munch(es) :

Kelsey said...

Awesome Interview. I heart Rachel's books, but have yet to read a few.

Cyndi said...

Oh! No way! I never knew that she was Jade Parker! I totally love her ten times more now! (even though I still have yet to read To catch a pirate, but you know all about that.) Anyway, awesome interview. I love Rachel Hawthorne, she's like one of my favorite authors.

-The Moon Maiden

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