young adult book reviews & more

I'm quoted in the UK version of Gone!!

Whee!! popgoestheweasel (at least that's what my friend told me).

It is true, and I am like so very excited about it. For the first time (as I know it at least), I have been quoted in a published book!! I find that very thrilling, especially because I so loved Gone by Michael Grant. Now I need to go out an buy me one of them UK versions...

I'd like to thank Jenny Davies from Wondrous Reads for letting me know this very exciting news. She and Teen Book Review are also quoted.

And now for some pics (also thanks to Jenny), hope they're ledgible

this is a closeup of mine an Teen Book Review's

and the whole dang page (click it to zoom in)

9 munch(es) :

Brooke Reviews said...

Congrats! That's awesome :) It's good to see YA publishers doing this, it shows that they love their reviewers!

Diana Dang said...

Congrats! I have been waiting to get around to the book for awhile but never had the chance.

Bookworm said...

WOW! So cool. That is amazing!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

That is soooo cool. I would LOVE to be quotes in a book, as I'm a nerd like that. :)


Anonymous said...

That is exciting! Congrats!

Kristi said...


I gave you an award. You can pick it up here!

The Book Girl said...

That is so cool! I am highly jealous :-p Congrats!

btw, I nominated you for the Sisterhood award on my blog. Check it out :-D

RR2 said...

That's awesome!


Now that is awesome!!! Congratulations!

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