young adult book reviews & more

A change of scenery

The time has come—for The Book Muncher to start college.

That’s right, the fourteen-year-old girl who started this blog has graduated high school and is going to be a college student! And with college comes a lot of changes, particularly the most important one: a change of scenery, which is just a fancy way of saying, I’m moving.

I’m usually not so public on my blog about the comings and goings of my life, but I feel this move is also important for the future of my blog. I will be moving to the grand City of New York to attend Barnard College.

(EDIT: For those of you interested, I plan to study comparative literature.)

This is extremely exciting for me. I’ve dreamed of living in NYC for a while now because it’s the center of the book publishing industry, where I hope to work someday. And since NYC is where all (or most) of the big publishers are located, there’s always lots of book signings, author events, and book conventions. Hello BEA!

I know that my work load will increase when I start college but I don’t anticipate having to stop book reviewing. First of all, I love it too much. And since I love it too much, I will find the time to read and blog.

Also, if there are any book reviewers or authors or readers in New York City, yes, I want to meet you! Being without a car or driver’s license, it’s been difficult for me to get to events here in the OC. But New York has a fabulous public transportation system, so I’m looking forward to meeting and chatting up book bloggers.

And that's all for now!

10 munch(es) :

Helen's Book Blog said...

Barnard College... awesome choice! You'll love NYC, college life, and all that it brings. Have a wonderful start to school!

Leigh Purtill said...

Huge congrats to you! Barnard and NYC will love you right back. What a great new adventure you're about to begin! Enjoy every minute of it...

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

I don't know if I am most impressed that you started this blog when you were 14 (way to go btw) that your moving to NY by yourself or that your going to Barnard - its a great school.

Congratulations on pursuing your dream -

megerette said...

What will you be studying?

Eleni said...

Whoo hoo! Congrats on your graduation - NYC will rock your world! If you ever want to meet up, please let me know. :) E-mail me at lafemmereaders@yahoo.com and we'll exchage phone numbers.

Katie said...

That's really exciting, congrats! You'll have the best time of your life, hands down.

Nat said...

Congrats on your move---I'm jealous---have never lived outside of TX!

holdenj said...

Congrats! Barnard will be thrilling. And I know everyone says it, but these will be some of the best days of your life, enjoy!

Nina Cook said...

YAY!! College . . . sounds like fun! NYC - man you're going to have fun - and some GREAT pizza! Hahaha, I am soooo jeleaous. Have fun! :D

hope chest said...

Congratulations! I know that it one of the day that have been waiting for. I am wishing you a good luck. I wish you find the right school for your college.

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