My first order of business is to announce the winners of the most recent contests that have been held here:
Nancye Davis
won the Goddess Girls Giveaway
AriadneLin and Megan
each won Name That Movie!
won the Escape from Furnace Giveaway
Next, I want to address some little changes that have been happening here at The Book Muncher, mainly, layout modifications. You may or may not have noticed that it looks a little different when you open up the blog. I've changed the header up a little, moved the navigation bar to the very top of the page, moved the search bar, and added a neat (at least in my opinion) slideshow feature to the sidebar. I've been wanting to do this for a while but only had the time to figure out how to do it recently (oh the horrors of HTML and CSS). Now, instead of scrolling all the way down the page, you can see right at the top the newest reviews, contests, and other posts of note.
Personally, I could watch it all day, and I do often find myself opening my page up just to admire it. But I want to know what you guys think! What are your opinions on the changes to The Book Muncher's layout?
The last thing I want to bring up pertains to NYC area people only. In just a few weeks, the NYC Teen Author Festival will be here! The festivities run from March 14-20. That's seven whole days of bookish goodness! And as my spring break coincides with this YA literary madness, I will be there every day! Happy happy joy joy. I will be posting the details for the festival over at my Author Events Calendar as soon as they are available. Hope to see you there!
5 munch(es) :
Congrats to the winners! I noticed a few new tweaks to the site and they seem quite nice!
And I can't wait for your reporting from the book festival. For living near such an arts oriented city (Mpls), we just don't seem to have as many of those types of things.
I can't wait for the NY Teen Author Fest as well! Maybe I'll see you in a couple of events!!! :) I'm excited for the events list to be revealed. Can't wait.
I want to marry this layout.
That's all.
Cialina -
Let me know which days you'll make it to, and we can look out for each other!!
Nicole -
you're too sweet :) I'm sure my layout would be glad to take your hand in marriage
Oh you New York's are so lucky! Hope you enjoy the festival, can't wait to hear all about it!
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