young adult book reviews & more

Tale of a book signing with Jenny Han

So last Tuesday, I found myself once again at Books of Wonder for an event. It was Jenny Han's launch party for her newly released, We'll Always Have Summer, the last in her Summer trilogy! And, like most of the other book events that I go to, it was lots of fun!

Mitali from Alley of Books and I arrived fashionably early. We couldn't really figure out the format of the event (as there were no chairs), but that worry was quickly disregarded when we discovered a congregation of people, who coincidentally are a lot of the people who I will be working with this summer! That's right, we found a bunch of the lovely Macmillan ladies. I'm sure they're not nearly as excited to have me there for the summer than I am to be working with them (and they were plenty excited so...)!

The fact that Jenny started the event with signing books was a little bit disorienting, but that gave lots of time for mingling. And since the turnout was so great, there was a lot of mingling to be done. I met so many new and interesting people from a variety of publishers and literary agencies, found some publicists I already new through reviewing, as well as chatted up a couple of authors, namely Melissa Walker and Coe Booth.

The lovely and hilarious Jenny Han

Jenny reads from We'll Always Have Summer

The signing was briefly interrupted for Jenny to do a short reading. Then we all went back to our mingling. As well as partaking of the delicious (and homemade!) cupcakes that Jenny brought for her launch.

Oh, and did I mention that Melissa was rocking the Pajants? Those Pajants, from the Twitterhood of the Traveling Pajants which I recently spotted at another event? As you can not very well see from this picture, the back of the Pajants have been wonderfully decorated by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Oliver, and Courtney Sheinmel.

A back view of the Pajants, as worn by Melissa Walker

Sadly, this was my only signing for the week because the second event that I was planning on going to, one for Maureen Johnson, had been cancelled. My appetite for book signings was not quite sated, but at least it was appeased by the marvelousness of Jenny Han's spectacular launch party!

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