young adult book reviews & more

Let's Talk Numbers

The other day, while I was going through some pictures that I've taken at book signings, I started to wonder to myself. How many book events have I exactly been to? Then I started to wonder other things. Like, how many books have I read since the conception of this blog? How many contests have I held and prizes have I given away? 

Here's a look at some of these numbers:

Books Read: 600+
Reviews Written: 575+
Books Given Away in Contests (includes ebooks & audiobooks): 200+
Subscribers (via Feedburner): 1250+
Blog Hits: 200,000+
Book Events Attended (includes signings, panels, & festivals): 60+
Internships Held: 3
Cupcakes I've Eaten While Talking About Books: too many to count
Friends Made: also too many to count

Some of these numbers seem too big for even me to believe. So I'd just like to take a brief moment to thank everyone who makes these numbers possible: authors, bookstores, blogging friends, publishers, and of course, all of you guys out there who are reading this blog post. Basically the entire YA community. Thank you. You're awesome. 

3 munch(es) :

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree with your ideas hope you review my ideas and will be inspired from me.
Thanks for post.

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roro said...

Thanks for post.

holdenj said...

I love stats like this and glad I could be a small part of them!

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