young adult book reviews & more

Buy Ballads: Huge Giveaway/More Winners!

(copied from Shooting Stars Mag)

Buy Ballads Campaign:

From now, July 30, to August 31, you can win awesome prizes if you buy the book Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert. If you do, send a picture of you and the book or the receipt to here: lauren51990@aol.com and you will be entered.

Instead of one person getting all the prizes however we have decided to mix it up. We have a list from ten books sold to fifty or more sold...meaning:

-ten entries (one winner out of those)

-fifteen entries (one winner out of those, except if you already won)

And it continues on, so if you buy the book soon you get entered more, but if you win once you can't win again. If we don't get to at least fifty books, you may or may not get a shot to win the remaining prizes. We'll figure out that out later. If we don't reach that point, we MIGHT put all entries in and give someone the remaining prizes, but don't quote me. We'll see how it goes. So buy the book yourself, buy it for someone you know (holidays are fast approaching) or get people to buy it. You just might win.

This is an international contest so buy buy buy!

For full details and a list of all the prizes, please visit Shooting Stars Mag.

(You guys better enter! I donated some of those books!)

1 munch(es) :

Kelsey said...

Looks awesome. I wanted to buy that book anyway! (:

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