And thus, Munch-Worthy returns from a year-long hiatus...
In a thrilling new novel about a reluctant mobster, Anya tries to shatter the ties that bind—with deadly consequences
Since her release from Liberty, Anya Balanchine is determined to follow the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, her criminal record is making it hard for her to do that. Plus, all the people in her life have moved on: Natty has skipped two grades at Holy Trinity, Scarlet and Gable seem closer than ever, and even Win is in a new relationship. But when old friends return demanding that certain debts be paid, Anya is thrown right back into the criminal world that she had been determined to escape. It's a journey that will take her across the ocean and straight into the heart of the birthplace of chocolate where her resolve—and her heart—will be tested as never before.
It's no secret that I loved All These Things I've Done. So, it should be no secret that I am hugely excited for its sequel Because It Is My Blood.
Honestly, that's kind of all I want to say on the matter, but I guess I'll say a little more as to why I am such a Gabrielle Zevin fan. It's because her writing and storytelling are so superb. She has this way of drawing you into her story and making it stick with you for a long time.
And that, is really all I am going to say on this least until I get to read the book!
Releases September 18, 2012 from Macmillan Children's Publishing Group.
1 munch(es) :
I can't wait! I was just thinking it had to be fairly soon.
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