young adult book reviews & more

Shrinking Violet by Danielle Joseph

Shrinking VioletTeresa Adams is shy, so shy, the very thought of public speaking makes her feel queasy. But it’s only around other people that this unbearable shyness rears its head; from the safe haven of her bedroom, Tere has no problem pretending to be a radio DJ for Miami’s hottest station The SLAM, coincidentally owned by her stepfather. Music is the only thing that makes Tere feel like herself, so it’s no surprise when Tere volunteers to fill and empty slot for her stepfather’s station when it opens up. Now, it’s goodbye shy Tere and hello Sweet T. if only Tere could take Sweet T’s on-air confidence home and to school, when Tere could really use some support in standing up to popular queen bee Stacy and the mom Tere can never seem to please. Of course, it also wouldn’t hurt if Tere were able to hold a normal conversation with her crush Gavin. But now Tere has other things to worry about; her dual personalities are about to be put to the ultimate test when Tere becomes the grand prize in The SLAM’s latest contest, or rather, her as a prom date. Will Sweet T be victorious, or will Tere’s shyness rule once and for all?

Shrinking Violet is one of the sweetest stories I’ve ever read as well as one of the cutest music romances. Cuteness can only go so far though. This novel also is one of the most predictable I’ve ever read. Shrinking Violet held absolutely no surprises for me, and thus earned no points in the suspense department. I guess it’s a good thing then that I enjoyed this predictable romance as much as I did. It also helped that Tere’s character is well developed and realistic. Her painful shyness makes it easy to understand her reactions in various confrontations, such as with her mom, evil bully Stacy, cute Gavin, and even Pamela, the Mary Kay lady. It’s Tere’s poor self esteem that causes this shyness, and thus it makes the story all the more sweeter when Tere, predictably, gains even the smallest degree of self confidence. Lastly, I must really hand it to Joseph for her superb incorporation of music into Tere’s life and this novel. As a girl who can’t live without her iPod, I greatly appreciate this importance given to music and even found myself wishing Joseph’s fictional bands, such as Shrinking Violet, were real. Without a doubt, Shrinking Violet is a sweet story for music lovers that can cheer anyone up.

Shrinking Violet will be enjoyed primarily by readers who value music and enjoyed novels such as Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway, Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan, and the Violet series by Melissa walker. Those looking for a satisfying romantic read will also want to check out this cute novel.

Rating: 4.0

Review copy from personal collection

2 munch(es) :

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

This sounds great! Thanks for the review!

Briana said...

I don't know if this book is really for me, since suspense is more my thing, but it was a great review.


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